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There are no viruses here?

just started up the game and it immediately pushes mouse away from menu

Could you give more details? I wasn’t able to find this issue. Thanks :)

whenever i use the play button in the main menu, it crashes the game, and the browser version just won't load up for me, any help possible?

Do you receive any error code when you crash, and is it from clicking the play button or loading a file? I’ve been having some trouble with the browser version this patch and I’m busy for the next day or so but I’ll try my best to fix these issues.

yes there's this error message:




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object OBJ_title_manager:

Variable <unknown_object>.new_game(100066, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Script_anon@568@gml_Object_OBJ_title_manager_Create_0


gml_Script_anon@568@gml_Object_OBJ_title_manager_Create_0 (line -1)


May you make the browser version work please?

Is there a Mobile version of this game?

I wish


She is so adorable, and I love all of her different expressions.


Keep up the good work big man


If the Demo for a game is good.
Then i can't wait for the finished game.

When is part 2


Waiting very patiently for bigger belly


i would like more outfits and more belly care



Add slime care, as in nursing them to grow, but eventually they impregnate her.

2+ slimes can do at once, causing larger and larger stomach and breast.

I’ll be adding something similar in the future, mechanically speaking. Thanks for the suggestion. :)

how long does the browser version take to loud

It takes me about 1-2 minutes when I open it for the first time. Would you mind trying to open the game on a different browser? Or see if the downloaded version works for you.

game won,t start

What are you playing on?


Were you on the browser version or the downloaded version? The browser version takes quite a while to load up the first time. And my game engine doesn’t support 32-bit. Otherwise could you give me as much detail as you could about exactly what happens? I’m still quite inexperienced a lot of technical stuff but I can try my best to help.

browser version 

The Left Button Doesn't work on the main story

What are you playing on, and are you trying to use it on the ‘first page’ or does it not work after using the right button?

it does not after using the right button

Could you tell me more about what you’re playing on please, like browser version or downloaded. I tested both versions on my end and the buttons work fine for me.

i tested both browser and download and still does not go to the next cutscene 

I’m unable to reproduce the issue sorry, but I am in the process of reworking the story system (and the story itself too) right now so it should work properly the next update. :)


Impasse, it's a pleasure to first comment with you, anyway can you make this game Android compatible, i seen the pics of your game that looked like point and click type of game, I've tried to play it on browser but can't, nice game and be sure to find and fix many bugs as can for everyone, because bugs can be a problem real fast further out if undetected.


Thanks for the comment :) As for Android compatibility, I do want to do it eventually but since I don’t have alot of experience with programming and what not, I can’t promise how long it’ll take.

game won't start

try whenever and whatever you can with steady pace.


the elastic skin nano tech does not do anything despite me changing the values. womb weight is capped at 10lb unless I use skin stimulant, in which case afterwards it will decrease back to 10lb. other than that I found that she threw up a lot in the pleasure room. otherwise great game.

The nanotech has been fixed. As for your 2nd point, how often is lot? like every couple of seconds or every say, 30 seconds?


New room pog

nice,need more species



i'm curious about the origin and backstory of the space station, as well as its construction. Perhaps it would be possible to have the heroine take a walk on the space station while pregnant.

Also, are there any other human NPCs out there?


You will eventually be able to explore the station but you won’t be able to walk around like an rpg. At most it’ll be something similar to a point and click game.

I do intend on adding other characters eventually, some human-like, but no straight up human characters.


could we get air pump/water expansion?


Something close to that is coming soon :)


It's sad that I can't play this miracle on my phone (


Slime gonna be able to grow larger in future versions?


Yes. :)



android version ??

Not at the moment, and I can’t promise anything but I will try to set up mobile versions in the future. :)


is she suppose to be able to walk around the station o.o or is that coming later also music is only able to be turned off if the game volume is turned off


There won’t be the ability to actually walk around yourself if that’s what you mean. But you will be able to visit various rooms in the station in the future.

And did you want me to add a mute button?


for music yes : ) would be nice : ) instead of having to mute the whole game : )

Okie. And just to make sure, the game doesn’t have any other audio yet. I have some audio, but I still need to check and edit them so it’ll be a bit before they’re in.

that is alright : ) thank you : )


Hello, I want to say about the game, it's amazing, I'll wait for updates)!


So I tried the browser version just now (this is the first time, as I had downloaded, prior) and the issue where the slime doesn't grow and the pleasure/pain numbers don't go up occurred; after reloading the page, the issue did not occur. Hope this helps.


Have you created discord group

I haven’t, no.


make one or we will riot


୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨ Riot then. ୧༼ಠ益ಠ༽୨

lol jokes aside, if people don’t mind a bare minimum server I don’t mind. I just haven’t had the energy to set something up due to being busy irl.

(1 edit) (+1)

hehe, just make a basic discord server and post the link here so we can slowly fill up the server, then when u comeback you have a nice little community going.

Make sure to post the server link in all of your games not just this one


I have added the discord link to the game’s description.

Also I appreciate the tip, but my other projects are basically abandoned at this point so they’ll be left alone.

(1 edit) (+2)

I have no idea what could be causing it, but the slime is not growing, in my game. I was surprised when I saw other comments that indicate that that part of the game is functional. I've tried toggling all the tools and injecting all the things, but after impregnation nothing happens.

Edit: I reopened the game just now and it works fine -_- no idea what the issue was

(1 edit) (+2)

I’ve read that happening to a couple of others too, I don’t know what’s causing it either myself even after testing it on my end a bit. I’ll be combing through the code a bit soon to try to figure out what’s causing that to happen.

Also side note, thank you for your kind words before, I really appreciated them. :)


The game went Hardcorely Laggy for me for some reason
I tried it on both Web and Downloaded but it seems to happen the same.

Was it immediately laggy or did the issues start after a while.


I absolutely love the idea behind this--as an avid pregnancy/impregnation fan, this definitely seems extremely promising~♥! Definitely keep up the great work on this one. I'd be willing to support the development of this one so long as it doesn't get abandoned or anything.

I've read elsewhere a lot of things others have suggested, or you wish to implement in due time, that I would've recommended, so--unfortunately, I don't really have any bright ideas there. As, multi-pregnancy, lactation, breast/belly expansion,  growth/upgrade mechanics, etc. all sound really neat. Perhaps a form of room where you can view the creatures you've given birth, or--to save time, and space, just have it unlock a glossary (that would list how many times she was pregnant by/with said species and how many she's given birth to in total) and you can read up on said species she just gave birth to. Like... where they originally came from, how they ended up on the station (or, for those who used the station prior, how they found this species), and some other details regarding that which may, or may not, hint at more 'specialized scenes/animations/pregnancies' (like, upgrades you've yet to unlock) as a result; perhaps a bit too much with the latter, but it'd be interesting.

All in all, I'm very excited to see this game develop further, good luck with it and take the necessary breaks and such to recuperate~♥! Have a great rest of your day~!


Thank you for your kind words, I will do my best as it seems like this game has gotten some great feedback so far. :D

To go through your thoughts:

  • I actually do intend to make rooms that will be changed in some way with the creatures you birth. I don’t want to be too concrete right now though but look forward to that. :)
  • I do also intend to add a glossary/codex for creatures of some sort, scale and how it’s done still up in the air
  • I will definitely track total births and other various stats, it will be done sometime during this ‘tech demo’ phase
  • As for hinting at what hasn’t been unlocked yet, haven’t thought too much into it, but I will try to in some degree as it would defintely be useful on the user experience side

Thank you for your kind words, I will do my best. :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Hello Impasse, hope you've been well.

You're welcome, I wish I could help further--in the newly created Discord, I did leave a bug report (which had to get reviewed due to your settings on explicit stuff in there, I guess--it was just screenshots of what I saw in the game to better explain the bugs), and left a few suggestions--but otherwise, I guess you just have my excited interest as a new fan; which, I'm sure is a positive thing when coming to a project like this.

• Oooo, sounds interesting--you have me excited for that now~!!! ^^
• Perfectly understandable, one step at a time for projects like these, but it's cool it's on your radar~. ;)
• Oooo, neat~!!! I always enjoyed certain stats like that, if I think of any other suggestions for stats, I'll try to add them in the Discord suggestions channel. ^^
• Hinting doesn't have to be a thing, the concept was something like--let's see, this is an "off-the-top" example, but a glossary note like: (I'll post this in the Discord channel too.)

"Slimes are known for being more of a liquid, than a solid, causing them to be flexible and fluid in forms of motion--getting in and out of small spaces almost seamlessly with ease. However, further studies have shown that reproductively speaking, they have a means of implanting multiple eggs[*1] (which is believed to contain the essence for a single offspring, exact data on this is obscure and remains a hypothesis), and can even split themselves. This may mean that, should someone choose to become pregnant with one for some reason, could experience a slime offspring splitting into twins, perhaps quadruplets, even while it's way past common mitosis, or growing, stages (in contrast, it is typically found in Humans between Day 2 to 6 during early pregnancy for when the egg would split into twins)."

As noted, this could hint that, later on, upgrades for the slime to split into more offspring within her womb (even if she's nearly come to term) could happen, and/or a scenario where, likely upon unlocking a fresh (non-birthed) slime (likely for testing purposes) [meaning it's not her child, to avoid any possible in*est issues], it can be unlocked where this "father slime" can implant multiple eggs into her which can grow into a singular slime, or multiple slimes in her womb. What I'm suggesting might be a lot of work, but it's an interesting idea, at least.

*[1] - Not sure if you've ever heard of, or played, Bikini Quest, a Run Or Rape genre title--. Anyhow, in it, there's a scene where the slime implants a bunch of eggs into the female protagonist, expanding her belly into pregnancy (which is, erm, *ahem*, really hot) and that is where the inspiration for my suggestive "glossary snippet", with multiple eggs, comes from. ^^

Have a great rest of your day~♥!

P.S. I'm actually not sure if my bug report went through... I wrote quite a bit and forgot to save it elsewhere--. Whoops, seems as if attaching game screenshots just gets blocked... ^^;


I’m happy you liked what you head :)

We’ll talk in more detail on discord, I’m definetely not too tired to type more out at the moment. lol.


It seems like she can only reach one maximum size right now? If there are ways to make her bigger, I can't find out how.

Either way, I'm looking forward to seeing where this goes! :)


The Fertility Module in the Nanotech tab (page 2) will change her maximum size, as well as the Skin Stimulant Injection in the Tools tab (but the second one doesn’t last very long I just realized lol, I will fix it soon).

And thank you :) I hope you’ll like what’s to come.


Is hyper pregnancy a thing that could happen or some form of womb expansion without the cause of pregnancy

Yes, the Fluid Injection Arm in the Tools tab will do so currently. Just Insert and click the play button that shows up next to it.


Looking forward to this one.

Say, mind giving us a small teaser as to what "beyond normal limits" might entail?

If not, then I guess I'll have to wait in anticipation.

I don’t mind talking in depth in what I have in mind at all. I don’t know what everyone’s expectations around it are so I’ll just list off a few features I’m planning/looking to eventually add.

  • Breast size control (increase and decrease)
  • pregnancy of multiple types of creatures
  • multiple pregnancies at the same time, with different combinations (this will probably be limited by the software I use and my own skills so expectations should be that some combos may limited in some way)
  • other body modifications (futa)

If you have your own expectations or things you wish to see, feel free to let me know. :)


Thank you very much for the reply. I'm even more psyched(?) for it now.

As to what people might expect considering the list of features that you named, well...

Breast expansion(BE) usually(but not always) has some connotations to it, like lactation (and breast preg for the really hardcore preg fans). 

Multiple simultaneous pregnancies are pretty popular(at least on the discord that I'm part of). It's up to you if you want to expand(hehe) it further to outright hyperpreg.

Futa can be hit or miss. In this case, I'd want to know what the protagonist would use it for, and again, there are some pretty out there fetishes when combining futa and preg.

All that is just my take though, so I might be wrong on every front.

What you’ve listed sounds about right to me, expect for the futa one, I didn’t know it can be hit or miss for some people. It’ll be something I add in pretty far down the line anyways so it doesn’t matter for now.

And I also intend to design the Nanotech game mechanic to allow the player to add/remove fetishes/mechanics as they please to easily remove anything they don’t care for.

I appreciate the extra perspective, thank you. :)


You're very much welcome.

I do want to clarify something though. Yes, futa is hit or miss. BUT, so is pretty much any fetish that isn't considered standard, preg included. Don't let that discourage you in any way. This game, despite being rather bare-bones as it is right now, is already better than some complete games out there that bear the pregnancy tag.

Such as UNBIRTH and dystocia, HYPER PREGNANT is even bigger.

Dystocia can be skipped with medication, or resolved with a walk.

It is best to have other lying positions or a side view.

Some self-appreciation and poses to the mirror.

It's not just a production line like an assembly line. Fetal movement, a walk, or even a date? There may be easter eggs stuck on the door.


Looking forward to seeing more in the future!


BUG: Slime will grow outside the womb...


Is it clipping out of the womb a little, or is the womb not growing at all while the slime keeps growing?


The uterus expands to the maximum (MOD is not turned on), and the slime still grows, exceeding the maximum volume.

Ok got it, will try to upload an update soon.


Im assuming there are currently no other species aside from slime, correct?


At the moment yes. :)


Seems interesting, I look forward to seeing how it develops.


Looking forward to see how far "beyond normal limits" this goes

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